Doctor Booking App
An UI-focused doctor booking system built with Next.js and Chakra UI. This project was completed in 12 hours.
Next.js Blog
A blog and portfolio website built with Next, NextAuth, Sanity, Supabase, SWR, Prisma, Framer Motion, and Chakra UI.
React E-Commerce
An interactive online store built with React, Firestore, Firebase Authentication, Algolia, Stripe Checkout, PayPal and Chakra UI.
Uber Blockchain Clone
A Next.js clone of the Uber app, built with Mapbox, Ethers and Tailwind.
Business Landing Page
A Next.js landing page for a business organization.
Next.js Landing Page
A modern landing page built with Chakra UI.
Medicine Library
A responsive Next.js static generation website built with Chakra UI and GraphCMS.
Full Stack Social Media
A full stack CRUD project built with Node, Express, EJS, JQuery, Socket.io and Prisma. Features included: realtime chat, comment and post creation.
*It may take longer to load on Heroku server
Technologies that I use
Technologies that I am learning and exploring
Contact Wilson
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